Hello and welcome to my portfolio. My name's Chris but you can call me MonkeyChops. I am a portrait, wedding and music photographer based in Hastings, East Sussex. I like music, movies and coffee! I'll be honest, I don't take myself too seriously, and I enjoy a good laugh! If you'd like to get in touch and have a chat (or coffee) to discuss the job you'd like to book me for, then get in touch!
Did I mention I like coffee...?
I'd like to say this about page is about me but really it's about this little dude!
Meet Milo, he's the real MonkeyChops, I'm just an imposter! He's my son and my absolute world! He was born in the summer of 2020 and has been running circles round myself and my partner ever since! He's as cheeky as they come and is constantly the focus and inspiration for all of my photography work.
I've been documenting his life since his birth and I don't intend to stop anytime soon!

Number 2! My little girl came along in 2023 and has since taken the world by STORM! She's literally the coolest little badass queen you've ever met and she's not even 2 yet! She's doing a pretty great job keeping her big bro in check and continues to be fierce with her stubborn little ways!
Milo was always going to be a tough act to follow but she's certainly giving him a run for his money!
The lady, my partner and my absolute rock! She's been nothing but supportive of my work and every avenue I've taken. Without her there is no Monkeychops! She's the most amazing partner and mum to both our kids and not a day goes by where we don't appreciate everything she does for us. She has this permanent glow around her and this way of making you feel so warm and safe 100% of the time!
She's also the most photogenic person you'll ever meet!